Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stay Gentle And Kind

Such a difficult thing to do in today's society and yet is it?  We are exposed to so much grit and gore, it seems impossible to get rid of it, no matter what we do.  And yet, and yet, it is possible. I just finished watching, "So You Think You Can Dance," and the performances were brilliant and the dancers were dedicated to their art. That is where I see the gentleness and kindness. In our striving to do one's best, no matter what life throws at us. There are times I say, "Why me?" and maybe the answer is because you can handle it, even though I feel I can't. Think about where you were five years ago and where you are now. Things have changed, whether for bad or worse, but they have changed and we have adapted. It's not easy but I think if one absorbs and adjusts, rather than fight the enemy, one can survive. The enemy may be cancer, a bad relationship, depression, bankruptcy and they may seem unsurmountable, but isn't it better to fight with kindness than with rancor and hate. I think so. I know I find it hard to do at times but the choices aren't good. Bitterness, complaining, selfishness. I know I have been in those bottom three a number of times and it doesn't make me feel better. When I take a moment and am gentle and kind , I find I am in touch with God. A God that makes me remember there is more in the world than me. Think about it. Try it.  Kiss someone close to you, smile at someone who looks forlorn, say a kind word to someone who needs it. Make the world a better place.

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